Some blame Eve for the fall while others say it was really Adam who caused sin to enter the world. The easy answer is both are to blame. God created a wonderful system of protection and nourishment and the first male and female violated His system. Proverbs 31 says a husband trusts the worthy woman. Eve was not operating from trustworthiness when she presented Adam with the forbidden fruit. The Proverbs goes on to describe how the worthy woman feeds her family and the needy. God created, through the woman, a sublime system of nourishment. In marital intimacy the woman "allows in" as she does when providing food for her loved ones. It was this God given purpose that the snake attacked by tempting Eve to accept what was forbidden for nourishment. Similarly, Adam was called to protect or be a shield. A shield "keeps from coming in" what brings destruction. The other branch of the system of nourishment and protection was broken when Adam did not serve as a shie...
Learning to love God, others, and self from a healthier place of attachment and security.