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Recompense of Restraint

     A theme of correction, this year, is to bridle my tongue. I can be opinionated, loud, and just plain talkative. Sometimes I wonder if I overwhelm some of my reserved or introverted friends. My aim is never to dominate but rather to freely be myself. Living freely without judging myself has taken some time and effort to cultivate, so the subject of being "slow to speak" has not been at the forefront until now.

    Since being highlighted I have had some successes and I have had some setbacks. It all started with a word from God to, "Be of no opinion until you have heard from Me." Of course, He did not mean to suggest that I or anyone else should need direction on purchasing an apple verses an orange at the grocery store but mainly in regard to the matters of true importance and of the heart.

    After a while, I started to notice an atmosphere of humility. Years ago, I was often credited for a level of humility when I kept to myself and spoke very little.  It was not a matter of humility but distain. Now, from a place of accepting myself, I can choose to pursue a posture of legitimate humility. As we often hear, "Humility is not about thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less." In my case it is more about needing to share less and being more concerned with what others must impart.

    The gift of attuned listening is not only allowing me to hear others more clearly but also the Lord! I have received three clearer than usual promptings from My Father that proved correct quickly. All in all, I would sum up this lesson to creating a more sensitive connection with those around me and The God Who Hears.         

    Are there any areas in your life that could use some restraint? What gifts might emerge from your obedience? Would you rate your connections as sensitive?


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