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Are You Rooted in FEAR or Love?

If you grew up before the dawn of cell phones, chances are you engaged in the risky business of note passing. As a 90s kid I am a part of the last great generation of crafty paper exchangers. Nothing could make you feel more honored and expectant than to receive a comrades handwritten note shared under dangerous conditions. We all braved equally menacing odds to uncover precious contraband messages. Today's kids will never know such thrills.

I feel like God is throwing His children a message now. The tattered and wrinkled note asks, "Are you rooted in fear or love?" Do not be so quick to answer. This is a complex age old question.  

The Bible tells us that perfect love casts out fear which unearths two startling notions. First, not all love is perfect and secondly, if perfect love casts out fear what does imperfect love do?

Attachment theory queries one main question, "Does your love have a foundation of fear or security. " 

If your love is based in fear you may be clingy with a fear of rejection or abandonment. Or you may experience the other side of fear based love. You could be standoff-ish and fear being suffocated or losing yourself in relationships.  Either way fearful thoughts fill your mind and heart when it comes to being loved and loving others.

In perfect love people are free to be themselves and accept others. Relationships offer soul healing for both parties. While no relationship is perfect as no person is without flaws, the good overrides the bad. 

If your relationships are established in fear, how might the rest of your life look? Healthy relationships are the bedrock of a full vibrant life. If you are anxious about your relationships chances are anxiety plagues other areas of your life as well. The same can be said about avoidant attachment style. Are there areas of your life you ignore or neglect?

How can your life be grounded in security if your heart is afflicted with fear?

Take time to explore this question.  Invite the Lord to show you what He wants you to see.  Stick with Him through the healing process. 

Remember God is Love. He wants nothing more than to share Himself with you.


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