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Sanctify Yourselves

Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you (KJV). 

The word "sanctify" has several meanings. Objects can be sanctified but to sanctify a person is to make him or her holy. Sanctification is a state of being separated unto God. 1 Corinthians 1:30 references the sanctification that occurs when one is born again. In this sense sanctification is more about the work of God in our lives.

The second definition of the word is probably most fitting for what Joshua directed. This sanctification is the result of our obedience to the word of God and is to be actively pursued by believers.

I feel a strong pull to enter into a season of sanctification, and believe this season will bring forth some long awaited promises.  In particular, I feel an urgency to cleanse myself of fears; more specifically, fears that may be disguised. 

Some fears masquerade as something more like anger or resistance.  These fears take the work of Holy Spirit to uncover. 

Maybe it's a fear of correction because you have felt judged. Or a fear of religion because someone in the church tried to control you. Perhaps it's a fear of the bible because you don't understand it. 

The Lord gently revealed I was afraid of prophetic mishandling. I have experienced and witnessed prophetic discipline without hope, grace, or love. 

Once a prophetic friend shared with me that she was stepping away to be purified because she was drawing from bitter waters. She was mature enough to know that her prophetic anointing was in danger of doing more harm than good. Not everyone is this self-aware.

What's more is that sometimes abusive language is glorified. I've heard prophets proudly proclaim, "Go ahead and get your tissues out because this is going to hurt." Or make statements like, "I can't help what God gave me to say." 

I do understand that part of the role of the prophets is to comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comforted. But some only do the latter and with an air of haughtiness. 

Usually what is referenced in these environments is the severity of the prophets in the old testament.  I don't deny that the world was a violent place and prophets had to use equally severe tactics. 

Perhaps a post on social media can help: rejection comes from correction without affection, 

misdirection comes from affection without correction, 

and protection comes from correction with affection. 

As much as it pains me to say it, I have seen the prophetic leave more people in a state of rejection rather than protection. 

The big difference between gentle correction and harsh correction lies in whether or not the Lord is your Shepard. To those in outright rebellion, correction is always going to feel brutal.

God wants to heal hidden fears so the walls of self-protection can be replaced with His protection.  The Good Father's protection, correction, and affection is balanced and loving.

As we focus on sanctification let us take comfort in the last meaning of sanctification. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 speaks of a complete sanctification that is glorification. 

He is our hope of glory.


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