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Why do you seek?

My husband, Rob, has a burning desire to see someone raised from the dead. My Gramma had the same desire. Gramma read up on the great revivalists who performed such miracles and longed to see revival sparked again. Rob has the same evangelical heart. He has dreams about a resurrection and sometimes feels so expectant for the miraculous.

Growing up with Gramma as my teacher we read and discussed the book of Acts a lot. Today in my regular reading I came across Luke 24. The resurrection of Jesus is starting to be revealed to the disciplines. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and other women go to bring prepared spices to the tomb of Jesus.

Upon their arrival they are met with an empty tomb and two men in shining garments. The men ask, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" 

Of course we now know this question was a proclamation of Christ's resurrection.

This morning I sensed a secondary message. The women, in obedience, rested on the Sabbath after Jesus' death; Out of honor, they prepared spices. Both a practical and spiritual reason exists for the spices. The spices reduced odors of decomposition and were to lovingly anoint His body.

The women were prepared to practically and spiritually take care of their beloved, but they were seeking in the wrong place. What they had prepared was no longer fitting.

I feel the Lord asking, specifically women, what are you still seeking that is dead? Or what is alive but you mourn?

Loved ones die. Dreams die. Death of any kind is painful. Moving on can feel disloyal. Are you stuck in holding on to something that is gone or have you given up on something that needs your attention?

Prayerfully ask the Lord why you seek and why you mourn. Maybe your seeking and mourning are misplaced. 

Amazingly, the women's preparation and obedience was not in vain. They got to be the first to witness the most important moment in all of history, the resurrection of our Savior.

God honors our efforts of obedience and Sabbath rest. We do not have to be ashamed of our misunderstanding.


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