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Imbalance Corrected

A couple of months ago a movie line from a 2004 science fiction disaster film jumped out at me. In the motion picture, the earth is experiencing extreme storms and natural disasters because of damaging climate change. At first the happenings are dismissed as less crucial than the birth pains of a new ice age. The protagonist tries to warn political figures of hazards against the environment but is ignored. He explained, "Storms continue until the imbalance that created them is corrected."

I'm not a meteorologist but the statement resonated with me personally. 

Lately a storm has been brewing in my heart that I could not name. For all intensive purposes everything was good, even great; but something was missing. After a period of attempting to ignore the problem, and then trying to explain it away; I remembered the movie and decided to face the storm. 

God's answer left little to the imagination, "You need to be in a group."

I find this truth annoying as I enjoy a diverse group of close friends and feel loved and accepted. Before I got married, I was in a circle of singles who did life together.  We had dinners, game nights, met needs, prayed together, encouraged each other, and shared what the Lord was teaching and revealing. 

Most of us got married and then the shutdown happened. We all remained friends and still support one another. Nowadays when we commune it's more about fun and relaxation and less about growing collectively in our faith. I am so grateful for this type of community and cannot imagine my life without it. That said, there is a void in the area of actively growing in the Lord as a unit.

My husband and I seek the Lord together everyday and it's one of the most beautiful and rewarding connections I have ever experienced. However, there is something special that happens in regular intimate intentional connection centered around God, outside of the home. Sunday morning church service is not enough.  

Our Creator created a multi-level vehicle of fellowship, correction, belonging, growth and power that is His Church.  

If obedience is God's love language and faith is the currency of the Kingdom, community is the heartbeat of The Bride. The heartbeat pumps His blood to every area of The Body.

Just like the heart, community has more than one chamber. Love and acceptance is a section but it's not the fullness. I won't pretend to understand all the facets of complete and perfect community; but a description of the atriums may provide some clarity. 

First of all, blood flows both to and from the heart. Perhaps one of the missing pieces is that vital life-giving often flows from a small few without much reciprocation. True community, acceptable to God, needs to flow both ways. 

Also, pumped blood sends needed oxygen and nutrients, and carries unwanted waste away. If we want this kind of nourishment and cleansing, we need to give and accept nurture and correction.

Lastly, we need to remember the power. The heart is useless without the electrical signals that keep it pumping. God is our source of power. Once activated we too bring life.

Perhaps the lack of complete community has created some imbalance in our world. While we may have been part of the problem, we are God's answer.

How can you bring a more complete type of community to your tribe?


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