Who can believe it's 2024 when 1999 feels like ten years ago?!?! I remember watching the show 20/20 and mistakenly thinking the title was a reference to the year 2020. My adolescent math skills delivered a fright. I was going to be O-L-D once the milestone year arrived. It's now four years later and. . .Yikes! My thirteen year old self thinks I am ancient. Fortunately, I have a different perspective now.
In the summer of 2020, a dear friend gave me five blank journals. She felt the Lord prompted her to share with me, "It's time to write." Little did she know, I, too, had heard the call.
My first childhood dream was to be a writer. Like Josephine March of Little Women, I was going to defy the odds and cultural limitations for my goals. That was until I shared my starry-eyed ambition with my Gramma.
The loving mother of five and Gramma to thirteen was my confidante. She was not highly educated and usually encouraged me with warmth and simplicity. Gramma, in an abnormal manner responded with daunting statistics of poor authors and their multitudes of unread or recognized works.
My guess is that she learned these facts in rearing her daughters as some loved the pen as I do. Gramma’s shocking data did the trick. I was willing to be rebellious but not a starving artist. Yet, somehow in the back of my mind, I held onto the hope that I would one day publish a book.
Somewhere in my late twenties, after I had faced my attachment issues and gained some ground, I realized a story was being written. I just needed to pay attention.
Upon receiving the blank pages from my friend, I started chronicling everything I had stored in my mind about my healing journey. At first, the memories where hazy but quickly came into focus. Some days, I felt my fingers could not keep up.
Then came the task of finding a publisher. The Lord led ever so gently to United House Publishing. The company is truly submitted to the Spirit of God and ministers to its writers.
I was warned that editing was going to be the hardest part but it was a breath of fresh air! Finally, all my thoughts and memories where going to be organized and concise. Every correction energized me.
Then came the formidable piece of information reminiscent to my conversation with Gramma. Thousands of books are published everyday. In order to give their books any chance at a successful publication, scribblers must now build a social media following.
Oh, the cruelty!
After processing the five stages of grief, I started an Instagram account and this blog. This month marks one year of blogging. I am not perfect, but I can see that I have grown.
I also started guesting on podcasts in an effort to increase my reach. Where have I been? Podcasts are amazing! I have listened to so many insightful and interesting people and stories.
Little by little, I am learning. I now have this blog and...
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A year ago, the thought of blogging regularly after pouring my heart out in my memoir sounded exhausting. Today, I can honestly say that I enjoy the intentionality it takes to have content. I also, greatly enjoy the podcast guesting. Each experience is remarkable. The podcasters have my upmost respect and admiration.
Most recently, my guesting episode with Jennica Sadhwani on the podcast Multispective was published. Jennica drew out the fullness of truth as we did a deep dive into attachment. You can find this episode and all my guesting episodes on my Spotify play list. Over the next couple of weeks, I have seven more guesting episodes scheduled. All future episodes will be added to this Spotify list. Your downloads, comments, and shares help grow my social media presence and are greatly appreciated!
What a difference a year makes! I am not there yet, but I am no longer intimidated.
Is there anything you feel comfortable with that once scared you? If so, how have you evolved in the process? What other skill, discipline, or practice might you need to expand upon for your development?
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