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What's in Your Garden?

Punxsutawney Phil seems to have rightly predicted an early spring, at least here in North Carolina.  My Pennsylvania residing kin were less fortunate. Last weekend a late snow befell them. 

Growing up, my mother loved the movie, Ground Hog Day, well, really all Bill Murry humor. The actor's iconic sarcasm classically landed lines like, "This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather." My mother's delight, my upbringing's proximity to the town of Punxsutawney, and the fact that the main female character shared my name (a rarity) might be some of the reasons the movie was a family staple. If you have never seen it, you should. 

We all know the silly tradition of the beaver, but the movie is about a cynical reporter, also named Phil, who got stuck repeating the day over and over again, much like a reoccurring nightmare. 

Phil had fun with the the cycle, tried to escape it, and finally decided to learn from the gift of multiple chances. 

The ridiculous story line is not so ridiculous when we consider the Israelite's forty year journey in the desert or our own repetitious patterns. We all hate being restricted but so often trap ourselves, or like the citizens of Narnia, stay stuck in winter for allowing the White Witch to reign. 

Solomon taught us, there is a time for "everything under the sun." If you have had a rough spell, take heart, you can count on change. No wonder Punxsutawney Phil and the Pevensie siblings both broke free and into a new season. 

With that, I leave you with a spring inspired soliloquy that I wrote last year.

<What's in Your Garden?>


How I love her sounds. Laurel Pedlium a whimsical protagonist in a serendipitous romance. Her origins are Asian and her mother is witch-hazel. Deep and purple, fawn resistant, and colorful all year. She flowers in spring with spunky pink buds.  Her scent is mild but spicy.  

Laurel's best friend is Purple Heart, also deep in year-round purple but of Mexican descent with spider-wort as a cousin.  Purple Heart also flowers pink but with a much more reserved three pedal approach. By description the pair might sound similar but the two are each uniquely their own. They sit side-by-side without jealousy or envy, competition or comparison. The pair equally love their neighbor, Gardenia.  

Gardenia is the unrivaled fragrance of the garden. She is round and wonderful, evergreen and white. Assorted is her lineage, she dawns from Africa to Asia, Madagascar and the Pacific Islands, and even Australia. Most curious is her family's puzzling connection to Java.  

Gardenia loves Holly like a sister.

Holly is of the Golden Oakland breed unlike the stately stock on her father's side.  Holly's green is mixed with yellow and she grows fast and tall. At Christmas when all mothers are baking, Holly berries but not for the tasting.  

All four women respect Myrtle, formally Crape Myrtle. Myrtle is young but healthy. Whatever her ancestry Myrtle's family is now the dynasty of the South as her pedigree dominates every corner, walkway, and park. Myrtle of the garden is sprightly and unassuming. She has yet to blossom but the ladies of the garden are certain, fully abloom, Myrtle will be the most complimentary finishing touch to the assembly.


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