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Revisting: Changed by Love

Today we are revisting a blog from March 8th, 2023. I am happy to announce that my sister did land on her feet, and my sweet nephew just took his first two steps this week. God has been good!

Changed by Love

Redemption is such a hopeful concept. To maintain the full power of redemption we need transformation. Aw transformation - the chance to change for the better! I don't know about you, but I like the possibility of positive change. I want to be more full of faith, hope, and love in all circumstances and for every person. 

Today, my hardworking, talented, precious sister was told her teaching job will be cut to part-time next school year. To make matters worse she is three months pregnant. Horrible timing!

As she explained through tears and voiced her concerns my heart ached for her heart. Surprisingly, I was optimistic about her situation. I believe this change, while unwelcomed, will facilitate constructive adjustments. Surely she will transition to a more fulfilling position and be closer to home. Most of all, in a year, this seemingly bad news will be looked upon as the day that led to a happier ever after.  

This may sound like naive positivity but my thoughts come from experience. Looking back at my life, I have been so loved and cared for by God that He has redeemed most of the heartwrenching losses. Endings, I thought were devastating, were often the catalyst of new, better beginnings. God really is in control and He does have a plan. He is intentional about bringing about our ultimate good.

What's more is the transformation He has done in me. I love my sister dearly. Unlike my natural love that might be inclined to worry, I now love my sister with a more healthy love modeled by God. His perfect love always hopes and casts out all fear. 


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